The weekend was a complete success with 50 participants taking part in a wonderful day of friendship and fishing.

The morning started with a beautiful south east zephyr. Excited anglers and anxious veterans mingled and partnerships where formed. St Georges Basin turned on a stunning morning with low wind and plenty of blue sky and high powered tournament boats roared away from the start for what would become a day that would be forged in many participants' memories.
All teams caught a swag of fish and by all reports everyone took something special away form the day. Notable mentions to Jim Harnwell and Sami Omari who fished with Jim Profitt MG for capturing the largest bag of Flathead, and Wal Balzan and Greg Stephinson who captured the largest Flathead for the competition – a beast at 87 cm!
To the Pro Anglers that donated their valuable time, equipment and boats, thank you so much. It was a great day made better by your willingness to help and have fun with us.
To the Veterans and First Responders, thank you for your service and the sacrifices that you and your love ones have made. We hope you had a great day and look forward to seeing you next year.
If you would like to join us next year, send us an email at and we'll keep you in the loop.
If you were part of the vent, please comment below and tell us your favourite part of the day.