One of the things that has always been a pleasant surprise for me is the support for The Forge Through Program from everyday members of society. It is heart warming to see how many people want to come forward to help those who have served their country and their communities.
In what sometimes seems to be a time of criticism and judgment, where first responders and defence are under attack physically and through social commentary, support from the community has never been more important. First responders and defence personnel quite often feel very separate from the communities from which they are trying to reintegrate.
These gestures of support from members of the community demonstrate that there are people out there that appreciate their service and are willing to help the cause. For this I can not thank you enough.
Angela and Jenghis Mehmet have been big moral supporters of the program since they first learned of it. When Forge Through became a charity last year Angela offered her book keeping services to help track the finances and keep all the checks and balances in order, at no cost to the charity. This support has removed a great worry from our mind allowing us to keep doing what we do well.
If you are looking for someone to balance the books, do your tax or give you some financial advice, support those that support us and give Angela a call.
